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Maximum effect of pesticides guaranteed in any conditions
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  • Purpose

    Yield Increase
    Acceleration of crop maturing
    Seed treatment of cereal crops with Albit: coherent coming-up, high yield, a good overwintering of winter cereals
    Yield quality: gluten content in cereals, sugar content in sugar beet, vitamins and nitrates in vegetables.
    Control of diseases
    Decrease of chemical pesticide consumption
    Improvement of stress resistance of plants
    Increase of resistance to drought
    Complex fertilizer
    Bioremediation of oil-polluted soils
    Increased fertility and healthier soils
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    For which purpose is ALBIT used?

    Cereals Potatoes Maize Flax Sunflower Sugar beet Grain crops and panicled cereals Legumes Fodder crops Vegetables Horticultures and berries Vine Decorative and other cultures

    Albit® is a modern innovative biostimulant of biological origin, its purpose: increase of plant resistance to drought and to other unfavorable climatic conditions (stresses), neutralization of stress effect of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, increase of seed germination, decrease of period of crop formation, increase of crop yield (by 5–30% depending on crop), improvement of crop quality (increases gluten content in wheat by 1.6 abs.%), immunization of plant against a wide range of diseases (root rots, Septoria leaf spot, brown rust, mildew, net blotch, bacteriosis, root and stem rots etc.).

    The main ways of using Albit are:

    The technology of using of Albit is described in detail in the officially approved Recommendations for the use of the preparation

    Polyfunctional and complex effect of the preparation, due to the unique mechanism of action, provides the following results of the use of Albit:

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    This web-page was last updated on the 11th of May 2021

    Website Design: Creative Agency OTCY