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  • Cereals
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  • Spring wheat
  • Winter and spring rye
  • Winter and spring triticale
  • Winter barley
  • Spring barley

  • Maize

    Oil crops
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  • Soybean
  • Sunflower
  • Flax
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  • Potato

    Sugar beet

    Grain crops and panicled cereals
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  • Sorghum

  • Legumes
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  • Pea
  • Chickpea
  • Peanut
  • Lentil
  • French beans
  • Fodder beans
  • Lupine

  • Fodder grass
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  • Amaranth
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  • Oilseed rape
  • Clover

  • Vegetables
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  • Tomatoes
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  • Chinese cabbage

  • Horticultures and berries
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  • Strawberry
  • Currant
  • Gooseberry
  • Bananas

  • Grapevine

    Decorative and other cultures
  • Flowers
  • Decorative trees and bushes
  • Lawn grass

  • Bioremediation of oil-polluted soils


    Albit, plant growth promoter of biological origin – Triticale, winter and spring

    Winter and spring triticale

    Cereals Potatoes Maize Flax Sunflower Sugar beet Grain crops and panicled cereals Legumes Fodder crops Vegetables Horticultures and berries Vine Decorative and other cultures

    Materials of this chapter are also published in: Zlotnikov A.K. Albit in the rye and triticale protection system / A.K. Zlotnikov, E.V. Kirsanova, A.A. Fadeev, Ò.À. Ryabchinskaya, V.Ò. Alyuhin, A.G. Medentsev // Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii (Plant Protection and Quarantine). –  2020. – ¹ 2. – pp. 14-17 (in Russian)

    Triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye, was first bred during the late 19th century. Triticale has high yield potential, increased grain protein content (1-1.5% higher than in wheat and 3-4% higher than in rye), and high essential amino acid content. Fresh matter of triticale has a higher nutritional value than wheat and rye (0.5-1% more raw protein); triticale is a food and fodder crop. In Russia, triticale is used in fodder (for pigs, broilers, etc.) and alcohol production (alcohol yield from triticale grain is 3-5% higher than in wheat and other cereals). Compared to other grain crops, triticale has increased frost hardiness, high lodging tolerance, improved resistance to fungal and viral diseases, and tolerance for low soil quality. The world’s leading producers of triticale are Poland (10% of all grain crops), Germany, France, and Belarus. In Russia, triticale is sown on 147.7 thousand hectares of land (2019), which is 4% higher than in 2018.

    Since triticale is an artificially hybridized crop, it has inherited a susceptibility to diseases affecting both wheat and rye parents. The range of products registered for triticale disease and stress protection is currently limited. Only three plant growth regulators and two fungicides are registered for use on triticale in Russia [5]. One of these products is Biostimulant Albit. Albit, as a growth regulator, is designed to increase disease resistance, as well as resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions. Albit also promotes field germination of triticale, activates growth and developmental processes, increases yield and improves produce quality of spring and winter triticale (state registration No. 081-07-866- 1). Albit is also used as an antidote to reduce the phytotoxic effect of pesticides.

    The effect of Albit on triticale was tested in trials of Chuvashia Research Institute of Agriculture (Chuvashia NIISH) in 2003-2004, All-Russia Research Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops (VNIIZBK, Orel oblast) in 2009, Romania (Timis) in 2020, and at other farms and scientific institutions in Russia and other countries.

    The field trial conducted in Chuvashia NIISH in 2003 examined the effect of Albit on winter triticale. Albit treatment was conducted by foliar spraying in autumn; crops were infested with root rots. The results showed a 70% biological efficacy of Albit against root rots; the survival rate of crops was 20% higher than control. Foliar spraying with Albit improved the crops’ condition: tilling capacity increased by 45.7%, and a vigorous development occurred in the root system (a 75.9% increase), as well as in the above-ground part (a 21.2% increase).

    In autumn, applying Albit on winter triticale together with fungicides (in tillering to stem elongation stages) yielded a 2.8% increase in ear length, a 5.5% increase in the grain number per ear, a 7.7% increase in grain weight, and a yield increase of 0.55 t/ha (14% above control).

    The field trial conducted in the VNIIZBK (Orel oblast) in 2009 examined spring triticale. Albit exhibited a growth-stimulating effect in the lab trial: seedling and root length of plants had increased. Seed treatments with Albit in 50–100 mL/t rate ensured the highest indices of length. The sowing qualities of seeds improved as well. The germination rate reached a 6-7% increase in groups where Albit was used as a seed treatment at the rates of 50, 75, and 100 mL/t.

    In 2009, moisture limitations and excessive heat created stressful conditions for the developing crop. Seeds treated with Albit (50 mL/t) were successful in tolerating the drought. Germination was more abundant in the plots treated with Albit: plant development was accelerated by 2–3 days. A 4–5% increase in seed germination (to control) was observed. The maximal efficacy was obtained in the group seeds were treated with Albit and fungicide (i.e., flutriafol + thiabendazole): 7% increase in germination (to control). Albit group had an 11.5–13.4% acceleration in the early plant development (to control).

    Albit group had a yield increase of 0.21–0.55 t/ha (4.1–10.9% above control). This effect was similar to the results reached by using a ñhemical standard (i.e., flutriafol + thiabendazole, +11.1%). The quality of yield significantly increased in the Albit treatment and Albit + fungicide groups (protein content and weight of 1000 grains).

    Application recommendations. To achieve the maximum beneficial effect of Albit, we recommend conducting a pre-sowing seed treatment and a single treatment during the growing season in the tillering stage (BBCH 20-30). If seed treatment is conducted, we advise to use Albit together with treatment fungicides (reduced or full rate); if crops are fertilized, Albit can be used together with liquid fertilizers or insecticides. If a common bunt or any other internal infection is present, Albit must be used together with a chemical seed treatment. The recommended application rate of Albit is 50 ml/t for pre-sowing seed treatment and 30-50 ml/ha for spraying (working solution rate: 200 L/ha). A higher spraying rate (50 ml/ha) can be used for plant immunization. In EU trials, a standard for cereals increased pre-sowing treatment rate of 100 ml/t was proven effective in targeting the phytotoxic effect of dressing agents and stresses (Fig. 1).


    Fig. 1. The effect of Albit on growth and development of triticale. Left – treatment with Albit, right – control. A record yield increase of triticale 42% was obtained in variant with Albit (Timis, Romania, 2020)


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