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  • Foliar spraying
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  • Cereals
  • Winter wheat
  • Spring wheat
  • Winter and spring rye
  • Winter and spring triticale
  • Winter barley
  • Spring barley

  • Maize

    Oil crops
  • Canola
  • Soybean
  • Sunflower
  • Flax
  • Olives

  • Potato

    Sugar beet

    Grain crops and panicled cereals
  • Buckwheat
  • Oats
  • Millet
  • Rice
  • Sorghum

  • Legumes
  • Soybean
  • Pea
  • Chickpea
  • Peanut
  • Lentil
  • French beans
  • Fodder beans
  • Lupine

  • Fodder grass
  • Galega
  • Amaranth
  • Alfalfa
  • Spring vetch
  • Oilseed rape
  • Clover

  • Vegetables
  • Eggplants
  • Squash
  • Carrot
  • Cucumbers
  • Peppers
  • Lettuce
  • Table beet
  • Tomatoes
  • Onion
  • White cabbage
  • Chinese cabbage

  • Horticultures and berries
  • Apple
  • Cherry
  • Plum
  • Strawberry
  • Currant
  • Gooseberry
  • Bananas

  • Grapevine

    Decorative and other cultures
  • Flowers
  • Decorative trees and bushes
  • Lawn grass

  • Bioremediation of oil-polluted soils




    Cereals Potatoes Maize Flax Sunflower Sugar beet Grain crops and panicled cereals Legumes Fodder crops Vegetables Horticultures and berries Vine Decorative and other cultures

    On sorghum Albit is applied as antidote for reducing of phytotoxic effect of pesticides, increase of germination, activation of growth and development, increase of resistance to disease, to unfavorable climate conditions, increase of yield, improving of yield quality.

    Effect of Albit on sorghum was studied in the field trials in I.G. Kalinenko All-Russia Institute of Cereal crops (Zernograd, Rostov oblast, 2009), Scientific Institute ‘Rossorgum’ (Saratov, 2009) and in other institutes and farms.

    In I.G. Kalinenko  All-Russia Institute of Cereal crops (Zernograd) field trials were conducted on sorghum var. Luchistoe during April-October (2009). Soil – chernozem, carbonate with a slight mechanical composition, forerunner – fallow. Plots were randomised, 4-fold replications. Early spring soil treatment and presowing cultivation for sowing of sorghum were conducted. Standard sowing – 20 seeds per 1 meter, distance between rows - 30 cm. Date of sowing - May 10. Fertilizers: presowing application of ammoniac nitrite – 100 kg/hà, treatment of sorghum – foliar spraying with herbicide based on salts of dimethylamine + potassium + sodium (1.2 kg/hà).

    Variants of Albit application for seed tretment were the following: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150 mL/t, variants of foliar sprayings (20-150 mL/hà), variants of seed treatment and the following foliar sprayings: 30 mL/t + 30 mL/hà and 40 mL/t + 40 mL/ha.

    The 1st standard was based on triterpene acids and the 2nd standard was based on orthocresoacetic acid and three-ethanol ammonium salt + 1-chlorine-methyl silatrane. Foliar spaying with Albit was conducted in tank mix with herbicide in the phase of 3-5 leaves.

    During heat and drought, in all variants various doses of Albit were more effective than in both standards.

    Yield in the control was 2.26 t/hà. Yield of standard 1 was 2.37 t/hà; yield of standard 2 was 2.51 t/hà. In all variant with Albit (seed treatment) yield increase was more high than in control and in both standards.

    Seed treatment with Albit (80 mL/t) provided maximal yield 2.89 t/hà (by 27.8% higher than in control and by 23.0% and 16.7% higher than in standard 1 and standard 2, respectively). Application rate of Albit (seed treatment per ha) was minimal, so Albit application is more economical profitable.

    Foliar spaying of sorghum with Albit in the phase of 4-5 leaves with different application rate of Albit (20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 150 mL/hà) provided the following: in variant with dose 80 mL/hà maximal yield was 2.69 t/hà (by 19.0% higher, than in control and by 14.2% and 7.9% higher than in standard 1 and standard 2, respectively). Application of Albit with herbicide was effective.

    The maximal yield increase after Albit treatment was obtained after seed treatment + foliar spraying (2.74 t/hà, by 21.2% higher than in control).

    In Scientific Institute Rossorgum’, field trials were conducted on sorghum var. Perspektivny'j 1 during April-October (2009). Soil – south chernizem, loamy, forerunner – fallow, size plots – 2.8 x 5.5 m, randomized, 3-fold replications. Treatment of soil – harrowing in early spring and two cultivations before sowing. Standard of sowing – 500 thousands of seeds per 1 hà. Sowing data – May 15.

    Method of application was the following: seed treatment + foliar spraying (20 mL/t, 20 mL/hà; 40 mL/t + 40 mL/hà etc. (20 mL of Albit per t (hà) – 150 mL/t (hà)). Standard – bioproduct based on Bacillus subtilis. In control and in other variants foliar spraying with herbicide (based on mix of salts: dimethylamine + potassium + sodium in dose 1.1 L/hà) was conducted. Foliar spraying with Albit was conducted in tank mix with herbicide in the phase of 3-5 leaves.

    Field germination of seeds was the following: in control 54.6%, in variants with standard 73%, after Albit treatment 53.4–75%  depending on the dose of Albit. In 2009 during droughty conditions, seed treatment with Albit increased field germination by 38 rel. %. It allowed to form more biomass, increase weight of 1000 grains and others yield parameters. Additional foliar sprayings with Albit increased this effect.

    Overall, after Albit treatment a higher yield (by 40.2% higher than in control and not less than in standard) was obtained. Application of Albit in tank mix with herbicide has antidote effect on sorghum.

    Significant yield increase was observed in the following application rate of Albit: 80–150 mL/t (hà). In variant with Albit (120 mL) the maximal yield increase to control (0.957 t/hà vs. 0.385 t/hà in control) was obtained. Increase of the dose of Albit from 120 to 150 mL did not lead to increase of effect of the product.

    In 2014 Albit was applied on sorghum in Australia (Agrisearch Services Pty Ltd, Cambooya, Queensland) (Fig. 1). The following variants were set:

    1. Untreated control
    2. Seed treatment with Albit (120 mL/t + 300 mL/ha)
    3. Seed treatment with Albit + Albit in-furrow (300 mL/ha)
    4. Seed treatment with Albit + foliar spraying with Albit (120 mL/t seed + 120 mL/ha)
    5. Albit in-furrow + foliar spraying with Albit (300 mL/ha + 120 mL/ha)
    6. Foliar spraying with Albit (120 mL/ha)
    7. Seed treatment with Albit + foliar spraying with Albit (excluding seed treatment with Thiram) (120 mL/t + 120 mL/ha)
    8. Albit in-furrow + foliar spraying with Albit (excluding initial fertilizer)

    In the following variants yield increase was (% to control):

    1) 0,0; 2) 22,4; 3) 34,7; 4) 13,6; 5) 5,4; 6) 10,9; 7) 23,8; 8) 4,8.

    Fig. 1. Application of Albit on sorghum in Australia (Agrisearch Services Pty Ltd, Cambooya, Queensland, 2014). 1 – Untreated control; 2 – Seed treatment with Albit (120 mL/t); 3 – Seed treatment with Albit + Albit in-furrow (120 mL/t + 300 mL/hà)

    Based on the results of all conducted field trials on sorghum, recommended optimal methods of Albit application: seed treatment (80 mL/t, application rate of working solution 20 L/t) and foliar spraying in the phase of 3-5 leaves, 80 mL/hà (BBCH 13-15, application rate of working solution 200-300 L/hà) in tank mix with herbicide. For increase of anti-stress, antidote properties of Albit, dose may be increased up to 120 mL/t, 120 mL/hà. Also, yield increase after Albit treatment, depending on method of treatment and dose – 0.08–0.63 t/hà, and average yield increase of sorghum after Albit treatment – 0.22 t/hà (13.2% to control).


    In the following Table, you can see all reports on performance of Albit on sorghum, available in English. For all available reports, please see corresponding table on Russian webpage











    Agrisearch Services Pty Ltd

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