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    General recommendations
  • Presowing seed treatment
  • Foliar spraying
  • Table of regulations

  • Cereals
  • Winter wheat
  • Spring wheat
  • Winter and spring rye
  • Winter and spring triticale
  • Winter barley
  • Spring barley

  • Maize

    Oil crops
  • Canola
  • Soybean
  • Sunflower
  • Flax
  • Olives

  • Potato

    Sugar beet

    Grain crops and panicled cereals
  • Buckwheat
  • Oats
  • Millet
  • Rice
  • Sorghum

  • Legumes
  • Soybean
  • Pea
  • Chickpea
  • Peanut
  • Lentil
  • French beans
  • Fodder beans
  • Lupine

  • Fodder grass
  • Galega
  • Amaranth
  • Alfalfa
  • Spring vetch
  • Oilseed rape
  • Clover

  • Vegetables
  • Eggplants
  • Squash
  • Carrot
  • Cucumbers
  • Peppers
  • Lettuce
  • Table beet
  • Tomatoes
  • Onion
  • White cabbage
  • Chinese cabbage

  • Horticultures and berries
  • Apple
  • Cherry
  • Plum
  • Strawberry
  • Currant
  • Gooseberry
  • Bananas

  • Grapevine

    Decorative and other cultures
  • Flowers
  • Decorative trees and bushes
  • Lawn grass

  • Bioremediation of oil-polluted soils




    Cereals Potatoes Maize Flax Sunflower Sugar beet Grain crops and panicled cereals Legumes Fodder crops Vegetables Horticultures and berries Vine Decorative and other cultures

    Results of Albit application on olive trees you may see in the film made by our foreign dealers

    Although olive trees are cultivated not in all regions, Albit application on olive trees is a good illustration of anti-stress properties of the product, because these trees almost always are in drought conditions. When using of Albit, plants consume water more economically. As a result, yield of olive trees is up to 3 times over control. For example, in Spain (Benameji, Andalusia) yield increase of olives in variant with Albit was 58 kg per tree (+200% to control). Below you can see the photo of harvest of this trial (Fig. 1).


    Fig. 1. The influence of Albit on the ability of olive trees to effectively use the moisture in drought conditions. Olive trees were grown on rain-fed land. Control (standard system of protection without Albit), 2 and 3-fold sprayings with Albit (cooperative Olivarera Nuestra Senora de Gracia SCA, Benameji, Andalusia, Spain, 2017)


    For more detailed information about influence of Albit on increasing the resistance of plants (not only olive trees!) to drought and other stresses, please see

    Another important property of Albit is clearly manifested on olive trees – accelerating of plant development (Fig. 2). Productive olive trees grow up already on the 3rd year but not on the 4th-5th year as usually.


    Fig. 2. Application of Albit in the nursery of young olive trees for accelerating their development (Malaga, Spain, 2017)


    The same property of Albit leads to the fact that yield of cereals, maize, soybean, sunflower and other field crops ripens by 3-14 days earlier, which allows you to start harvesting earlier.

    For more detailed information about acceleration of plant development and crop maturing, please see

    Albit has been successfully used for 5 years on olive trees in Greece, Turkey and Spain. The Spanish dealer positions Albit as “the biological product ¹ 1 on the effectiveness in Europe” (Fig. 3).


    Fig. 3. The team of ALBIT Agro Solutions S.L. at the agricultural exhibition Agrocosta


    Albit is exclusive Russian product used by Spanish farmers. Therefore, they simply name Albit “el Producto Ruso” (the Russian product).

    Overall, based on the conducted field trials, the optimal method of Albit application on olive trees is following:


    Application rate

    Treatment method, processing time, application rate of working solution

    Number of treatments

    Additional information

    Activation of growth and development, formation of additional sprouts and accelerated annual regrowth (especially young olive trees); increase the number of flowers and seed-buds, increase of yield, improvement of crop quality (olives with a standard size and quality, oil content); increased resistance to drought, high temperature and disease infestation (Cycloconium oleaginumSpilocaea oleaginea etc.)

    2.5 mL/10 L of working solution (125-500 mL/ha)

    Foliar spraying: first – at the stages of budding/beginning of blossoming, second – at the end of blossoming stage (10-14 days after first spraying), third – at the stage of olive pit forming (15-20 days after second spraying), forth – at the stage “forming of olive density (oiliness)” 2-3 weeks later. Also, application may be used with standard recommended treatments with insecticides and other pesticides with 2-3 week intervals. Terms, application rate of working solution – according to the recommendations for pesticides (500-2000 L/hà).

    3-4 treatments
    for mature
    (fruit-bearing) olive trees;
    up to 8
    for young
    olive trees
    (up to 3-4
    years old
    and have not reached
    the stage of economic

    It is more efficient to apply Albit as antidote in tank mix with pesticides. Albit is recommended for irrigated plantations and also in rain fed conditions. Efficacy of Albit increases in more arid conditions. After Albit treatment accelerated development of young olive trees is observed: on third year (instead of forth-fifth year) olive trees may be used for economic purposes. For accelerating of development and annual growth, increased amount of treatments per season of young olive trees is used


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