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Onion (scallion) |
Materials of this chapter were also published in:
• Gins, M.S., Kamaleyev, H.B., Suslova, L.V., Kononkov, P.F., Agafonov, A.F., Zlotnikov, A.K.
(2004) Influence of plant growth stimulating biostimulant Albit on morphometrical parameters
of onion. Gavrish, Nr. 5, p. 23-24.
• Popova, T.L., Kamaleyev, H. B., Gins, V.K., Agafonov, A.F., Krivolutskaya, M.A., Kononkov,
P.F., Zlotnikov A. K. (2002) Growth of onion leaves under treatment with plant growth stimulating
formulations. Materials of IV international scientific and practical conference ‘Introduction
of rare and unconventional agricultural plants’ (24-28 Jun 2002), Ulyanovsk, Vol. 2, p. 102-106.
of Albit on green onion was examined in trials carried out in 2003 and 2004
by All-Russia Institute of Vegetable Selection and Seed Breeding (onion was
grown in green houses), Experimental station “Agro Nord” Größ Lüsewitz in 2015
(onion was grown in open ground, Germany) and also by other scientific institutes
and farms. Trials were conducted on varieties Stuttgarter Riesen, Al'vina and
According to results of trials, Albit provided average increase of scallion yield
by 9-29.6%, lenght of leaves by 12.6-21%, dry weight of leaves by 7.4-10.7% (nutritious
value), content of clorophyll (by 6.2-40.8%) and ascorbic acid. Also, Albit decreased
content of nitrates by 74-77 relative %. In conducted trials, economical or biological
effectiveness of Albit was not inferior to that of standard formulations based on
For example, positive effect of Albit was observed on onion (Messara plain,
Crete, Greece, 2019) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Influence of Albit on yield and marketability
of onion (Crete, Greece, 2019)
It is recommended to perform presowing soaking of onions for 1 hour in Albit
solution (5 ml/L). Recommended application rate of the biostimulant is 5 ml/kg
of onions; consumption of working solution is 1 L/kg.
Trials on onion and lettuce demonstrated that Albit
is highly efficient for increase of yield and improvement of quality of grrenhouse
