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Anrycr 20II - Y6oprca ypoxírí npeAIIIeBcTBeHHI,íKa (rponoř x.n,rerrr)
7.II.20I1 - oprarru.recKlle yAo6peuIafl - HaBo3 B Ao3e 30 r l ra
8.11.2011 - Bc[arTTKa(llarlyíuuy 22-25 cwt)
Becna 2012
20.04.2012 - Ml,IHepanbrrrre y4o6penul, -K, Mg paluourepHo IIo ncež nonepxHocTI4 Ha ocuoBe
aHanII3a fIoTIBbI:
PATENTKALI - 4,0 g l ra, To ecTb: KzO - 120 MgO - 40 t
lap. I,2 u 4 - 115 rr / ra (uouenrarua - 2,5 q / ra)
nap. 3 - 92 rc / ra (uo.renuua - 2,0 u / ra)
26.04.2012 - pysHaí [ocaAKa
10.05.2012 - o6pa6otr COMMAND+0,2llra)
Climatic traits of the yearll(nranraTrlllecrcne ocoderrHocTll roAa:
Spring soil preparation was accompanied without raining and temperatures which are typical for the
April weather. The first decade of May was characteňzed by an unusually extreme temperatures
when the air temperature reached almost tropical values (up to 29 " C) and cold weather in the
second decade. There was a drought in the first decade of May with 36.7 mm rainfall. There were
average temperature and rainfall in the month of June. The average temperature and rainfall in the
month of July were above to the long-term aveíage by 47% . August was with above normal
temperatures and below normal rainfall. The temperature and rainfall in September were almost the
same level as a long-term average./
IloAroronxa iloqBbl secnož conpoBoxAílJlocb 6es ocaAoK LI TeMIIepaTyp, xapaKTepHbx AJL
aIIpeJIbcKoř noro4lr. B nepnoŽ AeraAe N{as 6rrIa Heo6rrqHa.í BbIcoKaí TeMIIepaTypa, KoIAa
TeMnepaTypa Bo3Ayxa AocTI4lJIa IIoqTu 29 " C lt xoJIoAHa,í IIofoAa ro rropož AeKaAe. 3acyxa n
uepnoŽ AeKa'4e Maí - 36,7 rnna ocaÁKlr. B utone MecflIIe 6glln ocaAKI{ xapaKTepHbl Inr,oTolo
[epLIoAa loAa, ToIIHo TaK xte I4 TeMIIepaTypa Bo3A}xa. Cpe4Hxx TeMIIepaTypa Ia KonfiqecTBo
ocaAKoB B I4IoJIe MecíIIe 6rrrrra BrIIIIe AonfocpoqHolo cpeAuero ga 47oÁ. Anrycr 6rrrr c
TeM[epaTypoŽ nrrrrre AonfocpoqHofo cpeAHero I4 ocaAKI{ Hllíxe Hopnarr.TeuilepírTypa H ocaAKI{ B
ceHrx6pe 6ruu noqT}I B TaKoM x{e ypoBne, IITo I{ Aorrfocpoqnble cpeAH}Ie.
Number of treatments with Albit / {ncno o6pa6ororc A.nr6rrrolr: 3
Application rate of Albit/HopMa o6pa6orrcu Anr6r.rropr: 50 mllha l 50 tvnlra
Amount of working solution/PacxoA pa6overo pacTBopa: 300l/ha l 300 ilra
Outline of experiment/Cxenra oIIbITa:
there were 4 variants:
1. Control - with chemical (pesticide) treatments against diseases, weeds and insects, without
organic fertilizers and without Albit
2. Albit 3 x treatment + with chemical (pesticide) treatments against diseases, weeds and
insects, standard fertilizers
3. Albit 3 x treatment + with chemical (pesticide) treatments against diseases, weeds and
insects, standard fertilizers (redused dose,of N-nitrogenfertilizers by 20 %o).
4. Albit 3 x treatment + with chemical (pesticide) treatments against diseases, weeds and
insects (the total amount offungicides applied was reduced by 70 %o), standard fertilizersl
4lapuaura oIIbITa:
1. Konrporrr - xI,IM}íqecKa.í (necrHqIl4Hax) o6pa6orxa ilpoTI{B 6orresrrež, copHrxoB u
HaceKoMblx, 6es oilraHuqecKlIx y.{o6peHl4ž ra 6es Arrr6rara
2. Anr6zr 3 x o6pa6orxa i xlaMl{qecKaí (uecruqu4rrax) o6pa6orxa [poTI{B 6onerHeň,
copruIKoB I,I HacexoMbx, opraH}IqecKne LI Ml{HepanrHue y4o6perrHř