Page 4 - index
P. 4
Yield in control / YpoxaňrrocTb B KoHTpoJIe: 53,|] tlha l 53,|7 rlra
yield in the variants treated with Albit /
YpoxaňrrocTb B BapLIaIITax c o6pa6orroň A;rr6urou: 49,00-54,18 tlha l 49,00-54,18 rllra
see appendix Il/crra.IlprarroNerrrae II
Yield increase in the variants treated with Albit l IIplíaBKa ypoxcarl B BapIIaHTax
o6pa6orrcoú Anr6uropr:
I,01-2,22 tJha l I,0I-2,22 rlra (1,9-4,2 Yo)
Other quality parameters of the yieldflpyrtle KaqecTBeHHbIe [apaMeTpbl ypo}xafl
see Appendices III and IV / cna. flpuloxeHla,III u IV
C onclusion/3 arc,rroq :
Field experiment conducted in our Institute demonstrated that foliar spraying with Albit increases
yield of tubers by I,01-2,22tlha.It was also found that, in joint use with Albit, dosage of N-
fertilizer may be cut by 20 Yo vltthout loss of yield, and dosage of fungicides may be cut by 70 %
without significant loss of yield. In the variant with decreased application rate of fungicides, no
enforcement of disease development was observed. Obtained results were statistically significant. /
llpone4ěrrHlrž n uarueu lrlucruryre nolenoř onhlT IIpoAeMoHcTpLIpoBaJI, qTo onpbIcKLIBaHLIe
noceBoB xapro(lerrx Anr6urou IIoBbIIIIaeT ypoNařHocrs ruy6uež ua I,01-2,22 r.lra.llptl arolt
6rulo TaKxe ycTauoBneHo, qTo llpra IEcrronb3oBaHul{ Arrr6zta MoxHo cHI,I3}ITr pacxo1 a3oTnbx
yao6peHraň lrra2} %o 6ez cHuxeHlífi ypoxa"rl n (PyHrIaquAoB Ha 70 oÁ c MI4HI{ManbHhIM cHIzxeHI4eM
ypoxaí. Ycranerrrae pa3BýITýIg.dolesrreň B BapIIaHTe co cHI{xeHIIeM pacxo4a (Pyrrrzql{AoB He
npoucxoAl,Irlo. OrMe.IeHHbIe 3aKoHoMepHocT}I 6uma cTaTI4cTI,IqecKIl AocToBepHhIM}I.
'Attested' - Official Distributor of Albit LLC l
<3anepxro> - O(Pzqua;rrrrrrž AI{JIep OOO H|IO <
Václavské náměstí 807t64,110 00, Praha-Nové Město, ČR
Prague, on24.0l.2013