Page 5 - index
P. 5
Appendix lAlpuloxeHue I
Monitoring of crops during the vegetation period/
Morruropr.rHr cocToflHl{fl noceBoB Bo BpeMff BereTalluorruoro nepl{oAa
INDEx/yKA3ATEJIb Value/ 2 3
3rraqeHue 1 4
Homogeneity of emergnece/
OaHopoaHocTb IIDoDac TaHHq 1-9 8 8 8 8
Full crop emergence/ Evaluation
llorrtroe noíBJIeHI4e BcxoAoB datel 4.6.2012
-Ilara ouerrrn
Height of plants/BrlcoTa pacreHraň cm I6 15 15 15
General standinglO6qee cocToíHlle 1-9 8,6 8,4 8,4 8
situation in the bud Evaluation
formatiorr/Co cTorHI,Ie B cT a1vu datel 11.6.2013
6yrorrusaqna .{ara oqerrnu
Height of plants/BhlcoTa pacreHnň cm 38 35 34 JJ
General standing/O6rqee cocToíHlle I-9 9 9 8,8 8,6
Coverage of the soil surface/
floxprrrne IIoBepxHocTpI rroqBbl % 66 64 64 63
Beginning of flowering/ Evaluation
Haqano uBeTeHI4í datel 26.6.2013
-Ilara ouermn
Height of plants/BhlcoTa pacreHrň cm 63 63 63 65
General standing/O6qee cocToflHlle |-9 9 9 8,8 8,8
Coverage of the soil surface/
floxprrrrae IIoBepxHocT}l [oIIBhI % 100 99 99 99
Weeds/Coprrxxn 1-9 9 9 9 9
Beginning of yellowing foliage/ Evaluation
Haqano [oxeJITeHIae JIIzcTb, datel 8,7.2013
.Ilara ouerrxn
Height of plants/BblcoTa pacrerruž cm 69 70 69 64
Coverage of the soil surface/
florpsrrne IIoBepxHocTpI IIoqBbI % 98 100 95 81
General standing/O6uee cocToíHřIe |-9 8,2 8,4 8,2 7