Page 1 - index
P. 1
Brief Report on Field Trial with bio-stimulant Albito /
Arr o [oJIeBoM onblTe c npenaparorvr Anr6nro TIIC
Agricultural crop / Kynrrypa: Winter wheat / flrueHurla o3}IMfuI
Variety / Copr: BOHEMIA
Location of triaU Mecro rrpoBeAeHllfl onblTa:
Agricultural Research Institute Kromeriz (certified according to standards ISO 9001 and ISO
14001), CZ-7670I Kroměříž, Zlín Region, CzechRepublic /
I,IHcruryr ceJlbcKoxogsfictsennbx llccneAonarruž Kpouepxrax (ceprrr(Pnll4poBaH cofiIacno
cTaHAapTaM ISO 9001 u ISO 14001), CZ-7670I Kporvrepxnx, 3mncruřtxpařt,9emcxas
Experimental íield area, ha / Ilnoqalr onblTnofo IIoJIfl, ra: 0,03
3 x replicate/nontopHocrr 3-x KpaTHa,
Date of sowing / lara [oceBa: 04.10.2011
Date of harvesting l[aray6oprul: 17.08.2012
Soil and how it was treated/floqna u eě o6pa6oTxa:
Clay,loam- standard tillage/ CyruIlíHoK - cTaHAapTHafl BcnaIIIKa
Climatic traits of the yearll(nnrraTuqecrne oco6errrrocTl{ roAa:
Drought in March (32,8 mm) and April (40,7 mm); the cold air temperature in March
(max +21 oC, min -8 oC, average +5 'C) and April (max+29 oC, min -7 "C, average +10 "C)/
3acyxa n Mapre ( 32,8 narra) u n Aupele (40,7 uu); xoJIoAHa.í IIofoAa n Mapre (uarcc +2l "C,
MIIH - 8 oC, cpe4neMecflIlna-í TeMIIepaTypa +5 oC) H n Anperre (Ivraxc +29 oC, M}íH 7 "C,
cpeAHeMecrqua"fl TeMnepaTypa +10'C)
Number of treatments with Albit / 9ucno o6pa6ororc Anr6lrrorvr: 1-2
Application rate of Albit/HopMa o6pa6orrcu A;rt6nrou: 40 mllha l 40 ttnlra
Amount of working solution/Pacxog padovero pacTBopaz 233llha l 233 llra
Outline of experiment/Cxeua onblTa:
there were 4 variants:
1. Control base - without chemical (pesticide) treatments against diseases, weeds and
insects, basic handling nitrogen fertilizers (regenerative spring N 40 kgÁra) and without
2. Control intensive - 3 x fungicide treatment against diseases (diseases of the stem, leaf
diseases and ear disease), high dose of nitrogen N-fertilizer 180 kg/ha
J. Albit 2 x treatment (autumn-spring), nitrogen N -140 kďha (reduced dose of nitrogen
fertilizers by 22 Yo ), 2 x standard fungicide treatment fungicide treatment against stem
diseases in the tillering stage was omitted - the total amount of fungicides applied was
reduced by 32%)
4. Albit 1 x treatment,(spring), nitrogen N -140 kg lha, (reduced dose of nitrogen fertilizers
by 22 Yo ),2 x standard fungicide treatment (fungicide treatment against stem diseases in
the tillering stage was omitted - the total amount of fungicides applied was reduced by