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One small plot replicated field trial was conducted between June and November 2014 to evaluate
ALBIT for increased yield and quality in wheat. The trial was conducted near Condamine Plains in
Queensland, Australia.
The following treatments were evaluated:
Treatment Product Rate
1. Untreated -
2. ALBIT (seed treatment) 40 mL/ton
3. ALBIT (early & late) 40 mL/ha + 40 mL/ton
4. ALBIT (seed treatment, early & late) 40 mL/ton + 40 mL/ha + 40 mL/ha
5. ALBIT (seed treatment, early & late with reduced Nitrogen - 66%) 40 mL/ton + 40 mL/ha + 40 mL/ha
Note - all seed was treated with commercial rate of DIVIDEND
Seed treatments using 2 kg seed batches were carried out in plastic bags with appropriate
quantities of seed treatment formulation added as a slurry in a total volume of 1000 mL/100 kg
seed. The treatments were applied, dried and racked for planting.
Early and late foliar treatments were applied using a motorised backpack sprayer incorporating
four Turbo Teejet TT110-015 nozzles. At an application speed of 1.5 kph and a pressure of
200 kPa, treatments were applied in total volumes of 105 and 108 L/ha at the early and late
treatments respectively.
The trial was established as a randomised complete block design with four replicates. Plot size
was four by ten metres.
Detailed crop safety assessments were conducted at 50, 66, 85, 99,122 and 162 days after
planting (DAP).
No significant differences were observed between treatments for plant counts, phytotoxicity, crop
vigour, NDVI, panicle counts, yield and grain quality except for protein content where the untreated
control was higher than the ALBIT treatments.
Of note was the general performance of treatment 5 which had an ALBIT seed treatment as well
as early and late ALBIT foliar applications. Although receiving a third less baseline nitrogen than
other treatments, it performed as well as others for the parameters assessed.