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3.1 Site Details

Location Condamine Plains, Queensland, Australia
Crop Wheat
Variety Spitfire
Soil Type Black, cracking clay
Site History 2013-2014 cotton, 2013 winter fallow
Sowing Date 23 June 2013
Sowing Rate 70 kg/ha
Crop Management Commercial except crop nutrition. 300 kg/ha urea pre plant all treatments.
145 kg/ha added to treatments 1 - 4 topdress on 28 August 2014.
45kg/ha Granulock Z starter fertiliser at planting.
Atrazine + Starane applied PSPE for weed control.
Seasonal Conditions The site experienced very dry conditions for the area based on yearly
averages. Rainfall was supplemented with overhead irrigation from a
lateral move on site. Site was pre irrigated (30mm) and planted into
moisture. Additional irrigation 1 week after sowing (30mm) and July 26
(30mm) occurred.

Rainfall data as recorded a t BOM Kurrowah station number 41061:
June 2014 – 9.0 mm
July 2014 – 6.0 mm
August 2014 – 36.6 mm
September 2014 – 5.0 mm
October 2014- 15.6 mm
November 2014- 51.0 mm

3.2 Treatment List

Treatment Product Rate
1. Untreated -
2. ALBIT (seed treatment) 40 mL/ton
3. ALBIT (early & late) 40 mL/ha + 40 mL/ton
4. ALBIT (seed treatment, early & late) 40 mL/ton + 40 mL/ha + 40 mL/ha
5. ALBIT (seed treatment, early & late with reduced Nitrogen 66%) 40 mL/ton + 40 mL/ha + 40 mL/ha
Note - all seed was treated with commercial rate of DIVIDEND

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