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P. 1
Brief Report on Field Trial with Biostimulant Albit® liquid paste
Agricultural crop Maize
Variety N 77 P-3111 Syngenta
Location of trial Sunbelt Ag Exposition, Moultrie, Georgia,, USA
Experimental field area, ha .453 Ha
Date of sowing 10 April 2013
Date of harvesting 3 October 2013
Soil and how it was treated Sandy soil normal disking
Climatic traits of the year Very high rainfall. It was very wet during the year. It
must be mentioned that most companies’ trials showed a higher yield in the
checks plots than in the treated. I our case the check was in a dry area and the
treated in a very, very wet area.
Number of treatments with Albit 2
Application rate of Albit 40 ml/t +50 ml/ha
Amount of working solution 10 1/t + 200 1/ha
Terms of application of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with Albit
was combined with seed treatment pesticides and later sprayed with Roundup
Power Max
Other pesticides and fertilizers applied ipconazole/metalaxyl/trifloxystrobin
(fungicide) and clothianidin (insecticide) seed treatments
Yield in control 11.48 tons/ha
Yield in the variant treated with Albit 11.55 tons/ha
Yield increase due to the treatment with Albit 7 kg/ha
Influence of Albit upon diseases________________________
Other important observations Treatment with Albit led to germination increase
between 10-15%, better quicker and stronger root development, very strong
brace roots (see page 2).
Farmer (Head of the organization) Michael Chafin Farm Site Manager
‘Attested’ — Official Distributor of Albit LLC B.S.T Ag. Solutions
Date, signature, seal
Sunbelt Ag Expo
290-G Harper Blvd Page 1 of 2
Moultrie, GA 31788