Page 1 - index
P. 1

Agricultural crop / Culture: Maize
Variety / Variété: Leader

Location of trial / Lieu du champs d'essais Adresse: Oullens, Switzerland
Experimental field area, ha / Surface ares: 1.5 ha

Date of sowing / Date semis: 07.05.2012
Date of harvesting / Date récolte: 17.11.2012
Soil and how it was treated / Chractéristique du sol: no-till

Climatic traits of the year / Points climatiques importantes: dry and cool Spring, wet Summei
with major temperature fluctuations
Number of treatments with Albit / Nombre de traitement Albit: lx

Application rate of Albit / Quantité d’Albit: 40 ml/ha
Amount of working solution / Quelle est la quantité de travail: 250 1
Terms of application of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with / Date des
applications d'Albit, avec quelles Pesticides: Herbicide

Yield increase due to the treatment with Albit / Rendement en raison du traitement avec
Albit:+ 870 kg/ ha to the control

Influence of Albit upon diseases / Influence de Albit sur les maladies: Visible decline of
infections, very good result with little effort
Farmer (Head of the organization) / Responsable de 1'application:

Vuillamy Alain http : //www, lever gerdutalent. ch/

Official distributor of Albit LLC:

PL Agri-Service Route de Faoug 18 1583 VILLAREPOS (Date, signature, seal)


Heidi et Pierr^euenberger
Route dö Faoug 18
CH-1683 Villarepos