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Arable crops such as cereals, legumes and vegetables are the major sources of calories and

protein for the tropical African populace. However, due to poor seedling establishment and poor
growth resulting from inadequate crop nutrients and hormones; and also from infection of

pathogens, a huge gap still remains between the potential yield of the crops and their actual yield
(Fakir et al., 2002).

Prevailing economic and ecological problems have encouraged contemporary farmers to use
biological control agents, organic fertilizer and plant growth regulators among others to boost

their crop productivity. Albit is formulated as a bioregulator, pesticide and fertilizer (
Albit® TPS is composed of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (8.1g L ) and a balanced set of micro
and macro elements and terpenes acids.Its application is reported to have increased yield of

several crops through the the enhancement of crop growth, suppression of pathogens and
relieving stress influence on several crops (Zlotnikov, 2006). Foliar sprayings of Albit®

were found to be necessary for reinforcement and prolongation of presowing seed treatment

effect on grain crops, vegetables, sunflower and fodder grasses(Yakhtanigova, 2009).
Information on the usage of Albit® among African farmers is very limited. The bio-substance

was first applied in Nigeria in 2008 on corn field and soya-beans in Sabo Farms Ltd. in Kaduna,
North central Nigeria (Ballah, 2009). Its effects on germination and seedling vigour of Nigerian

crops have not been widely assessed. This study therefore investigated in the laboratory and in

the pot, the germinability and seedling invigoration efficacy of Albit® on ten Nigerian arable
crops. After this, confirmation was carried out on an irrigated field on the Faculty of Agriculture

Experimental field, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria.

3.1 Collection of seed samples

The test seeds were those of Abelmoschus esculentum, Solanaceae (Okra - cv lady fingers);

Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthaceae (Amaranth or African spinach - white seeded improved
cultivar, Alheri Seeds Nig. Ltd, Sokoto); Arachis hypogaea, Leguminosae (Groundnut - cv


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