Page 7 - index
P. 7

Digitaria exilis, Poaceae (Acha - cv Jos local medium maturing); Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill

Solanaceae (Tomatoes - Roma VF VG SI- 102, Premier seeds); Sesame indicum, Pedaliaceae
(Benniseed - cv Gx 530 F5); Vigna tmguiculata, Legunrinosae (Cowpea - IT 89 RD-391, black

eye, white coat); and Zea mays, Poaceae (Hybrid maize - TZL ACRO SS-97, Alheri seeds, Nig.
Ltd). The seeds were obtained from Federal Capital Territory Agricultural Development Project,

Gwagwalada-Abuja, Nigeria.

3.2 Statistical analysis

All the data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance and differences among the
treatments were determined with Least Significant Difference, using SAS (1997) Statistical

Package. P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

33 Glossary of biological terms

1. Abelmoschus esculentus - - Okro БАЛ/ИЛ

2. Amor ant km caudatus — African spinach A ^

3. Arachis hypogaea — Groundnut A PA XI/С

4. Citrillus lanatus — Water melon /4 Р&У2.

5. Daucus carota - Carrot ме РлсР&Ь

6. Digitaria exilis — Acha ро&*4 V лг A

7. Lycopersicon esculentum —Tomato Т'Ф M AV~

8. Sesame indicum - Benniseed /СУ M 3>t У У

9. Vigna unguiculata --Cowpea or beans xefCP.un

10. Zea mays - Maize or corn К У*£ У/* У!A

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