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ALBIT maize experiment, HUNGARY, 2014


According to the contract between JET COMPANY, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) and the Agricultural Research
Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences a field experiment was established with maize in the
spring of 2014 at the experimental station of the Institute at Martonvasar, Hungary. The experiment was
carried out with four treatments (Table 1., Figure 1.) with four replicates (l-IV)) on a chernozem soil that
belongs to the medium textural class (sand fraction: 51.4%, silt fraction: 34.0%, clay fraction: 14.6%)
with a deep (>40 cm) A horizon (humus content: 2.85%, pHKci: 6.05, AL-P20 5: 65 mgkg'1, AL-K20: 275

Table 1. Summary table of treatments


Variants BBCH 51-61
BBCH 14-16 (beginning of stem
prior to sowing
(4-6 leaves unfolded) elongation - end of tassel
Var #1 standard pesticide treatment against diseases, insects and weeds,
Control standard dose of fertilizers
Var #2
ALBIT 100 ml/t*
Control + ALBIT
Var #3
ALBIT 100 ml/t* ALBIT 40 ml/ha**
Control + ALBIT
Var #4
ALBIT 100 ml/t* ALBIT 40 ml/ha** ALBIT 40 ml/ha***
Control + ALBIT
*in an mandatory combination with a chemical mordants
** combination with herbicides
*** combination with fungicides and insecticides

ROAD 1.5 m
5 m

11/4 111/3 IV/2 3.75 m
0.75 m
1/2 111/4 IV/3

1/3 11/2 lll/l IV/4

1/4 11/3 111/2 IV/1

Figure 1. Spatial setup of the treatments (1-4) and replicates (l-IV)
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