Page 2 - index
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J. A.rrr6rar 1 x o6pa6orxa (necHa) - ypoBenb N-y4o6peHug, 163 t o6pa6orxa necTI{IIIaAaMI,I
4. Alr6nr 2 x o6pa6orra (oceur-necua) - ypoBeHb N-yaodpeHng 163 rr/ra, cTaHAapTHa,
o6pa6orra rr ecT}lqI,IAílMI,I
5. Anr6ur 2 x o6pa6orra (necrra) - yponerrr N-y.uo6peuul 163 xr/ra cTaHAapTHa_fl
o 6pa6orra [ecTI,IqI,IAílMI{
6. Arrr6prt 2 x o6pa6orra (necua) - ypoBeHb N-yao6perrus 138,5 xrlra, cHIIxeHHa, Ao3a
SyHrnItIa4osíIa25 oÁ
7. Ans6zt 1 x o6pa6orr o6pa6orxu
Terms of application of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with/Cporcll
solo application of Albit on 08.11.2011, stage BBCH 13 (3 leaves unfolded);
solo application of Albit on 13.04.2012, stage BBCH 25 (3 tillers detectable);
solo application of Albit on 10.05.2012, stage BBCH 33 (Node 3 at least 2 cm above node 2);
application of Albit with fungicide on 24.05.2aI2, stage BBCH 45 (Late boot stage: flag leaf
sheath swollen)
[HAIrBI4AyíubHoe npLIMeHeH}Ie Altsíura,08.11.2011 - Sasa BBCH 13 (3 macra);
ýíla4ýíBunyruIbHoe IIpÝIMeHeHLIe Ans6wra,13.04.2012 - óala BBCH 25 (ryrqerrux);
llHAřIB}IAyíubHoe npLIMeHeHI{e Ans6uta,10.05.2012 - óasa BBCH 33 (rperuž ysel);
IIpIlíMeHeHLIe Anr6nra c Qyrrruqnplov', 24.05.2012- Qasa BBCH 45, ((Prrar-.irncr)

Other pesticides and fertilizers applied/ rrpnrvrerrenlle Apyflrx necTIlI|nAoB [I y4o6peHnň:
Fertilizers: CAN 27 N(calcium ammonium nitrate) Gal kg/ha) into soil during the vegetation
period; foliar application UAN-(N) ( solution of urea and ammonium nitrate) Q l0 uha)
Pesticides: see add./
Yao6perr}rq: KAC 27 N (xalrqnHnpoBaHHafi aMMLIaqHaí celurpa) (40 rz/za) B ilotlBy B TeqeHI{e
BereTaII}IoHHoIo ilepzoAa; onpBIcK}rBaHLIe KAC-(N) (rap6arr,rn4Ho-aMMuaqrrax cuecr) Q l0 ilza)
Ilecruulrlsr: cM. rrpllnoxenue

Yield in control / YpoxaňrrocTb B KoHTpoJIe ;8,379 tlha l 8,379 tlra

yield in the variants treated with Albit /
YpoxaňrrocTb B BapnaHTax c o6pa6orrcoň Anr6nrorvI2 8,419-9,450 tlha l 8,419-9,450 r/ra

Yield increase in the variants treated with Albit l ilpuúaBr
o6pa6orrcoň A.lrt6nrorvr :
0,04-1,072 tlha l 0,04-I,07 1 rlra (0,4-12,8 oÁ)

C onclusion/3 aI$IK)IIeHIIe :
In this field experiment performed in winter wheat during 20lI-20I2 season, it was shown that
application of Albit in all varinats gave a positive effect on growth and yield of this crop. The
effect of Albit 1 x treatment was less effective and gaye a noticeable results when using in the
stage BBCH 33 (yield increase was by 8.94%). Using of 2 x treatment method gave a significarrt
positive effect. In this case, the best effect was in variant wíth 2 x treatment in the stages BBCH
13 and 25; yield increase was by t2.8Yo, and net profit 182,90 Euro/ha. Were also studied
variants with reduced dose of chemical fungicides (by 25-100%) and nitrogen fertilizer (by
l5%).In these variants, through using of Albit, yield wasn't lower than control and was even
slightly above it, due to reduced dose of chemicals has been a significant economic effect (21,58
- 50,04 Euro/ha). The differences between the variants were statistically signiíicant/
llpone.qěrrrrrnž B ce3oHe 20II-2012 lr. nolesoň oIIbIT Ha osuNdoň [[IeHÝIIIo
IIpoAeMoHcTpI,IpoBírn, qTo Bce BuAhI o6pa6oror Alr6IErou [oJIoxllTeJIbHo BJILIíJII{ Ha pocT I,I
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