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ALBIT maize experiment, HUNGARY, 2014
During the experiment the following major operations were carried out (dates: YYYY/mm/DD):
2014/04/21 Sowing, variety: Lolita
2014/05/22 1. ALBIT spraying (tr. 03+04), 6 leaves unfolded + herbicide spraying
2014/06/23 2. ALBIT spraying (tr. 04)
2014/07/21 Height measurement (measured at 3 spots in each parcel)
2014/10/05 Harvest
According to the observations the ALBIT treatments had no significant effect on maize phenology
(development) as well as on final plant height. Detailed information about the treatment performances
could be found in Table 2.
Table 2. Rating table for evaluatfng the treatments
Parameters Var#l Var #2 Var #3 Var #4
Beginning of flowering (10%, date): 2014/07/03 2014/07/04 2014/07/04 2014/07/04
End of flowering (90%, date): 2014/07/09 2014/07/10 2014/07/09 2014/07/09
Height after flowering (cm): 185±4 190±5 190±7 185±6
Thousand grain weight, g 363±8 349±20 354±14 362±4
Yield (t/ha): 9,87±0,27 11,0±1,08 10,8±0,68 10,8±0,34
Yield (%) 100 112 109 109
According to the experiment results ALBIT has beneficial effects on the quantitative parameters of
maize. ALBIT application may increase maize yield up to 12%. It has to be mentioned that significantly
more root lodging was observed in the ALBIT treated plots than in the control ones: 10 vs. 2 as an
average. The fact that ALBIT may decrease stalk strength requires more investigations.
2015/01/12, Martonvasar
department head г
Plant Production Departm&kt!t;; '