Page 2 - index
P. 2

Pesticides: see appendix 2/
Yao6perruq: cu. Ilpurro xewue 2
flecrn u.urr: cu. llpuloxerrue 2

Yield in control / YpoxaňrrocTb B KoIITpoJIe: see appendix 3/ cu. flpuloxeHIle 3
yield in the variants treaúed with Albit /

YpoxaňnocTb B BapIIaHTax c o6pa6orroň Alr6LIToM: see appendix 3/ cnr. llpurroxeuIEe 3

Yield increase in the variants treated with Albit l Tlpuían,na ypoil(afl B BaplranTax c
o6pa6orrcoň A.ns6urou:
see appendix 3/ crra. IlpraloNerrue 3

C onclusion/3 aK.IIrcqeHIt e :
Field experiments performed by our Union in winter rapeseed across different regions of Czechia
during 2010-2011 season demonstrated that double foliar application of 60 ml / ha Albit ensured
yield increase (average) to the control by 9,5 %o, additional profit - I25 €/ha (see appendix 4) /
3a-noxerrrrrre garrrež accoquaqllíež n cesoHe 2010-2011 rr norrenble onBITbI Ha o3uMoM parlce B
píl3nblx peruonax 9exnrr [poAeMoHcTpI4poBaJII,I, tITo IIpI4 l{cnoJlb3oBanuu2 x 60 ul/ra Alr6ura
AJL orrpĎIclr.nBartvlg, iloceBoB, npndanra ypoxa"íI K KoHTponIo (n cpe4HeM IIo nceu onrrrana)
cocTaBl,Ina 9,5 yo, AonoJlHltTelrurrŽ AoxoA -I25 €lra (cna. flpurroxerrne 4)

oAttested'- Official Distributor ofAlbit LLC l

<3anepxro> - OóraqelansHrrž ALInep OOO HIIO

Václavské náměstí 807t64,110 00, Praha-Nové Městoo ČR

Prague, on2l.01.20l3
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