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Decorative trees and shrubs |
Materials used in this chapter were published in the book Biostimulant Albit for
increasing yields and protection of agricultures against diseases, A.K. Zlotnikov, Ed.
Influence of Albit on decorative greenery was tested in trials of All-Russia
Institute of Vegetable Selection and Seed Breeding (2001 and 2004) on dog
rose var. Madam
Plentye and Yubileynyy. Data on growth stimulating and antistress
activities of Albit was also obtained from trials on apple,
currant and gooseberry.
Now influence of the biostimulant is being tested on linden, dogwood, jasmin
and lilac.
Summarizing all obtained data, one can conclude that foliar spraying
of decorative greenery with Albit provides accelerated shoot regrowth and increase of
annual shoot increment averagely by 18.2%, increase of chlorophyll content in leaves by
6.2-11.8%, improvement of physiological state of leaves and increase of their assimilating
surface by 15-76%, earlier flowering (by 3-10 days), increased number of flowers per shrub
by 9-10%, increased stress resistance (air and soil pollution, temperature jumps),
decreased sensitivity to root rots, powdery mildew, scab and other infections.
Application rate of Albit used for foliar spraying is 200 ml/hectare. Working
solution of Albit - 2 ml of Albit/10 L of water, therefore, consumption of
working solution is 1000 L/hectare or 5 L/shrub (tree). It is recommended to
start treatments (2-3 per season) in stage of budbreak/budding (for ananthous
plants – in first half of vegetation), each with 15 days interval. The earlier
treatments are more effective ones.
Albit is also effective for treatment of cuttings before their planting.
Such treatment provides better rootage and acclimation (by 40-90%), acceleration of initial
growth, increase of chlorophyll content in leaves by 7.4%. Cuttings should be soaked in Albit
solution (1 ml/L) for 5 hours. 1 litre of solution can be used for treatment of 50-250