Protects plants against drought, frosts and other stresses
Protects against side effects of pesticides: as a result,
pesticides work at full capacity
The gold standard of anti-stress bioproduct –
Albit has been successfully used for over 20 years in 50 regions of Russia
and 25 countries of the World
Increases the efficacy of fungicides:
guaranteed protection against diseases
Ensures an earlier harvesting of full-grown yield
Guarantees a consistently high effect from year to year in different weather and soil-agrochemical condition
As a result, yield and yield quality with Albit is higher by 10–30% than when pesticides are used without Albit (data for 70 agricultural crops)
Fig. 1. Average yield increase (t/ha) obtained with Albit treatment
in Russian Federation (crops are given in alphabetical order)
Albit® is an innovative product
designed for the ultimate protection of crops against stresses. This bioproduct
has diverse functions. Albit increases drought tolerance, as well as tolerance
to other unfavourable environmental conditions (stress) in crops; it relieves
pesticide stress and harmful effects of chemicals and fertilizers; increases
field germination rate; reduces crop production cycle; increases yield (from
5 to 30% depending on the crop); improves product quality (gluten content in
wheat on average by 1.6 absolute %, 2.3 % to control, marketability of potatoes,
vegetables, and fruits); protects crops from diseases (such as root rots, leaf
spot diseases, powdery mildew, rust, late blight, bacterial diseases). Adding
Albit into tank mix ensures
a reliable, boosted, and stress-free action of pesticides in a wide range
of phytosanitary, soil, agrochemical and weather conditions (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Comparative efficacy of chemical pesticides
and their tank mixes with Albit (schematically according to all conducted
field trials)
Our biostimulant is the plants stimulant of biological origin which is developed
by Russian scientists and competitive with the best analogues up-country and
abroad. In the last decade, Albit becàme the standard for its class of biopesticides
in crop production.
What is the reason for the success of Albit?
A significant drawback of traditional pesticides is their inability to protect
plants from abiotic stresses. All huge
arsenal of plant protection methods existing now aims to combat diseases and
pests (usually causing yield losses in the range of 15-30 %). Meanwhile, the
yield losses of major crops occurring due to abiotic stress factors (drought,
extreme temperatures soil pollution, pesticide stress, etc.)
are estimated at 51-82 %, which is greater than the losses due to pests and
diseases (Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants / Eds. B.B. Buchanan,
W. Gruissem, R.L. Jones. – American Society of Plant Physiologists, 2006).
In particular, any pesticide treatment of plants has a stress side effect even
on main culture. Under the influence of herbicides net photosynthetic rate
is reduced by 44-100 %, fungicides - by 21-35 %, insecticides - by 36-81 %
(Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, V. 86 - 2006).
Albit LLC employees develop biological stimulators and immunizators for over
40 years. They created a multipurpose antistress agent, using
the potential of natural beneficial microorganisms that live on plant roots. Unlike many
analogues, Albit has no direct stimulatory effect on the growth, but enhances
the natural immunity and stress tolerance of plants, thereby increasing yield.
Fig. 3. Brand-new automatic fermentation equipment which Albit
is produced on
High efficiency of Albit has been confirmed in more than 250 successful field
trials carried out in 1997-2004 by leading scientific institutions: Lomonosov Moscow
State university, All-Russia Institute of Plant Protection (Ministry of Agriculture), All-Russia
Institute of Plant Protection RAAS (Russia Academy of Agricultural Sciences), All-Russia Flax
Institute, All-Russia Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops, All-Russia Institute of Horticulture,
All-Russia Institute of Vegetable Selection and Seed Breeding, All-Russia Institute of Viticulture
and Vine processing, Institute of Plant Physiology (Russian Academy of Sciences), All-Russia Soil
Institute, Agricultural Scientific Institute of South-East, Ryazan State Agricultural Academy,
Kurgan Institute of Grain Growing, Far East Institute of Plant Protection, Institute of Biochemistry
and Physiology of Microorganisms, Regional Plant Protection Stations and others.
In Russia, Albit is permitted for use as antidote (also
registered as a plant growth regulator and fungicide).
Albit is registered in a number of countries of the Commonwealth
of Independent States, European Union, Switzerland, Australia,
Ñhina, USA and other countries, as fertilizer (supplementary
additive for plants).
Fig. 4. On the left: Phase-contrast microscopy of bacteria (Bacillus
megaterium) with granules of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). On the right:
structural formula of the PHB.
The active ingredient of Albit is a natural biopolymerpoly-β-hydroxybutyrate
(PHB) synthesized by soil beneficial bacteria Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas
aureofaciens. In the natural environment, these bacteria inhabit
on plant roots and stimulate root growth, protect plants from diseases and
environmental stresses. The formulation also contains a set of substances
which potentiate and stabilize the effect of PHB: Magnesium sulphate, Dipotassium
phosphate, Potassium nitrate, Urea, and Coniferous extract. Albit does not
contain living microorganisms, that makes its activity more stable and less
dependent on environmental conditions. Albit combines low cost and low toxicity
of biological fertilizers,
and efficiency, stability and predictability of chemical pesticides.
Mechanisms of action of Albit are based on natural resistance
reactions of plants: stimulation of antioxidant enzymes and induction of immune
response, regulation of uptake of nutrients and plant development (see
for details).
Reduce of the chlorophyll content is observed in plant leaves as a result
of stress effect of herbicide. It results to decrease of yield (so-called ‘herbicide
hole’). Albit, as effective
antidote, neutralizes stress effect of herbicides, increases the chlorophyll
content. For example, changes of chlorophyll content in leaves of wheat after
herbicide treatment was observed in field trials of Penza State Agricultural
Academy (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Effect of herbicide and Albit on the
chlorophyll content in leaves of spring wheat var. Tulaikovskaya
10 (left) and winter wheat
var. Bezenchukskaya 380 (right)
(Penza State Agricultural Academy, 2011-2012)
This effect was observed on the photo (Farm Zihelsky Statek,
a.s., Plzen, Czech Republic, 2011) (Fig. 6). Left – field treated with herbicide
(control); right – field treated with tank mix of herbicide + Albit. In variant
with Albit, yield was higher than in control by 1.3 t/hà (antidote effect 37%).
Fig. 6. Effect of Albit on growth of
barley var.
Field after herbicide treatment (left) and tank mix of herbicide + Albit
(right) (Farm Zihelsky Statek, Czech Republic, 2010)
Increase of yield and plant growth stimulation.
Albit stably increases yield of cereals, sugar beet, sunflower, potato, flax,
vegetables, legumes, horticultures, fodder grasses averagely by 5-20% (Plant
protection and quarantine, Nr 9, 2005). The yield increase of plant species having high
undisclosed potential (such as buckwheat and canola) might reach up to 50 % over the control
On average, based on data of all conducted field trials, one
liter of Albit helps obtain the additional
yield of winter wheat (5.6 t), spring
barley (4.3 t), potato (7.6
t), seed of sunflower (4.1 t), grains
of maize (4.5 t), rape (3.2
In field trials Albit provided averagely 2.25 times higher yield increase
than other biostimulants and plant growth regulators. Effectiveness of Albit was practically
the same as that of chemical fungicides, which are tenth times more expensive.
Yield quality. Various stresses
often reduces crop quality. Albit increases glutencontent in
wheat by 1.6 abs. %, sugar content in sugar beet
on average by 0.3-2.5 abs. %, oil content in canola by 0.2-3.6
abs. %. After Albit treatment, fraction of commercial yield of
potato tubers increases up to 34% over control. Fraction of commercial yield
of grapevine increases by 10-25%, organoleptic characteristics and flavour
of grapes are improved, losses of flavouring and aroma are decreased by 75%
during storage, residual amount of pesticides decreases on average by 50%.
In vegetables vitamin content increases by 6–25%, nitrate
content decreases by 16–26%. In field trial, conducted in experimental station
ACPEL (France), among all tested plant growth regulators and fungicides, only
Albit increased fraction of commercial yield of melons. Also, Albit reduces
of mycotoxin content in grain crops by20-70%.
Protection against diseases.
Albit possesses protective activity, suppressing development of the broad range of main
diseases of agricultural crops (root rots, powdery mildew, leaf spots, brown rust,
fusarioses, septorioses, anthracnose, scab, late blight, black leg, white and grey decay,
bacterioses, etc.); Albit is officially registered in Russia as a mean of protection
against 26 diseases. Biological efficiency of the pesticide against
diseases is 40-90% averagely (Plant protection and quarantine , Nr 1, 2005, Zemledeliye,
Nr 1, 2007). Efficiency of Albit against many diseases is not inferior to that of much
more expensive chemical means of protection. E.g., the biological efficiency (BE) of Albit
against root rots of cereal crops is 59–81% averagely, whereas BE of chemical fungicides is
just 40-70% (Plant protection and quarantine , Nr 3, 2005).
Unlike chemical fungicides, Albit is not toxic and does not eradicate pathogens, but it
increases the natural resistance (immunity) of plants. Therefore, plants
should be treated before appearance of the first signs of disease, and infestation with
complex of pathogens must not exceed 30% (in absence of internal infections). At higher
infestation level, the biostimulant is recommended to combine (mix together) with chemical
When combined with chemical fungicides, Albit can increase
their effectiveness. For example, biological effectiveness of a chemical fungicide
is 60% due to the direct biocidal action. When Albit is used together with
the fungicide, biological effectiveness reaches 100%. This occurs because of
the additional immunization ensured by Albit. Thus, Albit works to secure thefull
protection of crops against diseases.
Albit differs from chemical fungicides by another unique feature. Albit affects
not only the plant, but also a huge (tens of billions of microorganisms per
gram of soil), diverse microbial
world, living on its
roots. Chemicalization of agriculture using intensive technology destroys the
natural microbiocenosis capable of protecting plants from phytopathogens. Pesticides
inhibit microbial activity of the soil by 30-50% (Plant Protection and Quarantine,
¹12-2014). Albit recovers natural community of beneficial
microorganisms on the roots of plants (Zashchita i Karantin Rastenij (Plant
Protection and Quarantine), ¹9-2011). Treatment with Albit reduces the
number of pathogenic microscopic fungi (e.g., the genus Fusarium) in soil at
the root by 25-75%. Instead, Albit induces the reduction of pathogenic fungi
(for example Fusarium species),
and increase the number of usefull micromycetes (Gliocladium and Trichoderma) –
antagonists of plant pathogens by 20-150%. As a result, the possibility of
infection of plants by soil pathogens reduces. Traditional chemical fungicides
are very different. Usually they are able to protect seed against root rot
infection reliably. However, the result of the pesticide stress is increased
sensitivity of seedlings to secondary infection from the soil, while Albit
provides more complex and long-term protection regardless of the infection
type (seed or soil).
Reduction of fungicidal load.
Treatment of plants with the majority of chemical pesticides causes stress
and temporary oppression of the plants, negatively affecting yield and yield
quality. Albit relieves the fungicide-mediated stress, and also increases natural
protective mechanisms of plants against diseases, that lead to
increasing fungicidal activity of a chemical pesticide. Therefore,
use of chemical fungicides mixed with Albit makes possible application of
the lowest recommended fungicide rates. Trials of All-Russia Institute of
Biological Plant Protection, All-Russia Institute of Plant Protection RAAS,
All-Russia Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Scientific Institute
of South-East, and other authorities (252 field trials with chemical fungicides
and protectants based on benomyl, dimethomorph, dithianon, difenoconazole,
carbendazim, carboxin, mancozeb, metalaxyl, propiconazole, sulphur compounds,
spiroxamine, tebuconazole, thiabendazole, thiram, triadimenol, flutriafol,
copper compounds, cymoxanil, cyproconazole and epoxiconazole) demonstrated
that halved dose of a chemical fungicide in combination with
Albit is as effective as the full dose of fungicide (Zemledeliye,
Nr 2, 2005)
For example, trials of All-Russia Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops (Oryol
oblast) demonstrated high efficiency of spring barley presowing treatment
with combination of Albit and decreased dose of flutriafol/thiabendazol based
fungicide (Vestnik RAAS, Nr 2, 2007). Treatment with such
combination provided considerable acceleration of plant growth and 28.9% yield
increase over untreated control (in variant with full dose of fungicide yield
increase was just 17.1%), and total suppression of root rots (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7. Growth of spring barley
var. Vizit after pre-sowing seed treatment with fungicide (1) and fungicide
+ Albit (2) (National
Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops, 2005 — left picture, and 2006 — right
Owing to reduction of the dose of chemical fungicides and fungicidal seed treatment agents,
Albit make possible considerable reduction the cost of plant protective treatments
(by 20-45%).
Relieving herbicidal stress.
Besides their main functions (protection of plants from weeds), pesticides
always cause stress to plants which they are devoted to defend. Antodotes
are applied for reducing the toxical stressful effect on plants. Antidotes
– compounds that reduce or completely remove the phytotoxic effect
of herbicides on cultivated plants and do not effect on herbicidal properties.
Not every plant growth stimulator may act as antidote, and this is the fundamental
difference Albit from most of analogues. Application of Albit as
an safener together with herbicides saves up to half of the yield of cereals,
sugar beet, soybean, flax and other cultures. Antistress activity of Albit
is especially pronounced in case of winter cereals treatment in EC stage 20-29
(tillering). The plants, weakened by winter, herbicides and root rots, respond
to Albit treatment with dramatic increase of productivity (up to 10 centners/hectare
under field conditions).
In field trials, application of Albit together with herbicides provided considerable
yield increase of all major crops.
Sometimes chemical antidotes (such as anhydride of naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylic
acid, cloquintocet-mexyl, isoxadifen-ethyl, mefenpyr-diethyl) are initially
included by manufacturers in preparative form of pesticides. However, this
phenomenon is rarely observed. Most of modern antidotes are narrowly specific
in relation to a specific herbicide or preparative form of concrete manufacturer.
At the same time, Albit has a wide spectrum of action. To
date, the antidote effect of Albit has proven in a combination of our product
with herbicides based on 2,4-D, amidosulfuron, haloxyfop-P-methyl, desmedipham,
dicamba, quizalofop-P-tefuryl, clopyralide, metsulfuron-methyl, tralkoxydim,
triasulfurone, tribenuron-methyl, trifluralin, triflusulfuron-methyl, phenmedipham,
fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, florasulam, fluazifop-P-butyl, quizalofop-P-ethyl, chlorsulfuron,
ethofumesate and other a.i. (data of more than 120 field trials). In addition,
in most of field trials (more than 95%), Albit did not reduce the effectiveness
of herbicides against weeds – this is the main requirement
for antidotes.
For example, trial of Orenburg State Agrarian University demonstrated that
Albit increases effectiveness of all herbicides commonly used in this region
(Fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Efficiency of combined application of Albit and herbicides
on spring wheat
(field trials of Orenburg State Agrarian University, 2005)
By now, the antidote activity of Albit was has been proven in combination with herbicides based
on 2,4-D amidosulphuron, haloxyfop R-methyl, desmedipham, dicamba, quizalofop-p-tefuryl, clopyralid,
metsulfuron-methyl, tralkoxidim, triasulfuron, tribenuron-methyl, trifluralin, thriflusulphuron-methyl,
phenmedipham, fenoxaprop-ethyl, florasulam, fluazifop-p-butyl, quizalofop-p-ethyl, chlorsulfuron and
ethofumesate (data of 105 field trials).
In a similar way, due to its antidote activity, Albit applied together with
insecticides against plant louses, leaf beetles, Swedish fly, Colorado beetle, caterpillars
and other insect pests increases plant productivity by 5-93% over control (treatment with insecticide
It is known that treatment of wheat by insecticides against shield-backed bugs reduces accumulation
of gluten in grain. Addition of Albit to the insecticides increases gluten content by 1.2–4.6% comparing
to the treatment with insecticide alone. Combination of Albit and insecticides provides pronounced
positive effect also on canola. (Plant protection
and quarantine, Nr 8, 2007).
In summary, combined use of Albit with fungicides, insecticides and herbicides increases
their efficiency by 5 - 93 %. According to head of one of the advanced farms-consumers
of Albit , only together with Albit all fungicides he used before started working with their full
capacity, i.e., providing 100% of the effect declared by their producers. Thus, joint
use of Albit and standard recommended means of plant protection provides their high reliability
and effectiveness.
According to averaged data of all field trials, addition of Albit to chemical pesticides
provides yield increase:
to herbicides – by 16.6 %
to insecticides – by ca. 20
to chemical fungicides – by 12.0 %
as compared to control grown with pure pesticides (without Albit)
(Zemledeliye, Nr. 1, 2006; Nr. 7, 2007).
Drought resistance. According to data of
Institute of Plant Physiology, Albit increases ability of plants to endure drought (increased
temperature and moisture deficiency) by 10-60 %. Now Albit is the only pesticide
officially registered in Russia as a mean of increase of drought resistance of cereal crops
(The List of Pesticides…, 2006). Increased drought resistance remains for several months
after treatment with Albit. Due to Albit, at the time of drought in 2003, farmers of Krasnodar
krai harvested high yields of wheat and barley (50-70 centners/hectare), same as those level of
normal 2002. The analogous effect was observed in the 1998, 2000, 2003 and 2007 drought years in
different regions of Russia.
The most clearly the effect of Albit on drought resistance
of plants is detected on olive trees. When growing on boghara, olive trees
are constantly in conditions of severe drought. Spraying with Albit helps plants
to retain moisture and form a good yield (Fig. 9). The yield increase was 200%
to control.
Fig. 9. Influence of Albit on ability of olive
trees to form crop on boghara in dry conditions. Control (standard protection
system without Albit), 2 and 3-fold sprayings with Albit (cooperative Olivarera
Nuestra Senora de Gracia SCA, Benameji, Andalusia, Spain, 2017)
Acceleration of plant growth.
Due to intensification of physiological and biochemical processes, Albit accelerates
the changes of phenological stages of agricultural crops by 3-12 days. As a
result, duration of the vegetative period required to obtain the high-grade
yield is reduced, that in some cases makes possible earlier harvesting and
obtaining of stable yield of southern cultures (sugar beet, soybean, winter
canola, vegetables) in more northern regions (Plant protection and quarantine,
Nr 11, 2005).
Effect on soil microflora.
Often necessary minerals present in soil in the sufficient amount, but these
elements are not available for plants. For example, the assimilation of phosphorus
from fertilizers is only about 20%. Soil microorganisms, inhabiting the rhizosphere
and soil around the plant (soil microbial community), can significantly increase
the availability of inorganic nutrients by the release of phosphorus, potassium
and microelements from the soil insoluble salts and fertilizers, and nitrogen
fixation. When injected into the soil (eg as a result of seeds treatment) Albit
is able to stimulate useful soil microflora, which is a
unique feature that differs Albit from analogues. By
the words of agronomist from the Krasnodar kray of Russia, due to application
of pesticides soil becomes almost sterile. Instead, under the Albit action
soil bacteria grow and develop actively. In total, microelements supply of
plants increases, infectious background decreases, and altogether soil becomes
healthier (Zashchita i Karantin Rastenij (Plant Protection and Quarantine),
No.9 – 2011). Due to stimulation of diazotrophs, phosphates-solubilizing
bacteria and other bacteria in the soil, Albit
increases mineral nutrients availability for plantsfrom
the soil and fertilizers by 18-47%. According to the Department of Agricultural
Chemistry of Moscow State University, Albit application allows to reduce
the introduction of mineral fertilizers by 10-30%.
By the words of agronomist from the Krasnodar kray of Russia, due to application
of pesticides soil becomes almost sterile. Instead, under the Albit effect soil
bacteria grow and develop actively. In total, microelements supply of plants increases,
infectious background decreases, and altogether soil becomes healthier ( Zashchita i
Karantin Rastenij (Plant Protection and Quarantine), No.9 – 2011).
Due to stimulation of diazotrophs, phosphates-solubilizing bacteria and other
bacteria in the soil, Albit
increases mineral nutrients availability for plants from the
soil and fertilizers by 18-47%. According to the Department of Agricultural
Chemistry of Moscow State University, Albit application allows to reduce the
introduction of mineral fertilizers by 10-30%. Albit could substitute up to
18 kg of active ingredients of nitrogen fertilizers or 14 kg of phosphorous
fertilizers for medium-cultivated soils (Bulletin
of Research Institute of Fertilizers and Agrochemistry, ¹ 113 – 2000).
From data of Moscow State University and All-Russian Research Institute of
Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, treatment with Albit induces the reduction
of pathogenic fungi (Fusarium and Phytophtora), and
increase the number of micromycetes Gliocladium and Trichoderma –
antagonists of plant pathogens.
Experts in agriculture know well, that the result of application of even highly
effective pesticides can noticeably vary depending on year, field specificity,
agricultural background, phytosanitary conditions, terms of treatment. One
of the purposes of Albit development was overcoming of low reproducibility,
which is a common defect of most of the biostimulants. Reproducibility
can be quantitatively characterized by the ratio of standard deviation of
all experiments and the arithmetical mean (variation coefficient CV).
According to averaged results of all field trials, CV of Albit is 52%, biological
products and plant growth regulators (without Albit) – 130%, synthetic chemical
fungicides – 59%. Therefore, the ability
of Albit to provide stable yield increase (reciprocal value for CV) was 2
times higher than
that of the other analogues and 26% higher than that
of chemical standards. Therefore, high reliability and reproducibility (Fig.
10) is one of the main advantages of Albit. The director of the Chuvashia
Research Institute of Agriculture noted: "We at
our institute experienced many growth regulators and settled on Albit. Among
its counterparts, it has the highest quality and stable action from year to year,
regardless of the conditions of the season. At present time,
all the plots of the Institute are treated with Albit as an addition to the
standard schemes of plant protection."
Fig. 10. Reproducibility of action of Albit and other types
of pesticides (averaged results of all field trials).
Reproducibility of Albit
is taken for 100%.
Economical efficiency. The
result of a low price is the high profitability of Albit
(Table 1). For example, the payback of Albit application on
winter wheat in Russia is ca. 7,1 times, profitability – 609%.
In multiple trials conducted on the main agricultures in Russia, in average
the profitability of Albit was not lower than
200 %, payback was 3-15 times according
of the year and culture. Cost effectiveness of Albit was 1.89 times higher
then chemical fungicides and 2.25 times higher
then analogous biopesticides and growth regulators.
Net income from the use
of Albit in the Krasnodar kray according to the long-term data of Russian
Agricultural Center (Rosselhoztsentr) on sugar beet was 3220-4020 rubles
/ ha, payback from 12.7 to 23 times. In the EU, the net profit from the
use of Albit on cereals and oilseed rape was an average of 100
euros / ha.
Table 1. Approximate application recommendations and profitability
of Albit for the main agricultures (mean data of all available field trials)
Method of treatment and average application rates
Application rate of Albit, mL/ha(L/1000
Field area which can be treated with 1 litre of Albit
Note: average data of yield was obtained based on field
trials with applying of Albit (1997–2004).
Albit requires very low application rates. For foliar spraying
on most agricultural crops, concentration of Albit 1 ml/10 l is recommended.
Albit solution of this concentration is used for foliar sprayings, watering,
root and extra-root fertilizing, trickle irrigation, soil saturation. It is
desirable that the solution gets onto the plant leaves.
Since 1997, Albit has been successfully
used in farms of Amur, Belgorod, Bryansk,
Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Kaluga, Kemerovo,
Kirov, Lipetsk, Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg,
Oryol, Penza, Perm, Rostov, Ryazan, Samara, Saratov, Sverdlovsk,
Tambov, Tomsk, Tula, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl oblasts,
republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Kabardino-Balkaria and
Mordovia, Altay, Krasnodar, Perm, Primorye and Stavropol krais (totally
in 50 regions of
Russia and 25 foreign
countries ranging from Finland and Switzerland
to China and USA) — on more than 2 million ha Fig.
11). The main indicator of high demand for Albit is the
stable growth of its annual sales.
Fig. 11. Countries of the World where Albit is used, data of 2025 (marked
with more intense color)
Albit has been successfully used not
only by Russian but also byleading international farms
and agricultural holdings. In
the Ukraine,
among our Customers should be mentioned Agricultural Company Burgudzhi of
Odessa oblast, Baryshovskaya Grain Company of Kiev oblast, Iceberg Ltd. of
Trans-Carpathian oblast, Shampan’ Ukrainy SA, flagship of horticulture
Dnister Corporation, well-known Agricultural Holdings such as Kernel, Agroprodinvest,
Luckygrain, AgroInvest Ukraina, Kraevid Invest, Mironovskii Hleboproduct,
Chimk and others. In Latvia, the largest farm of the country SIA Uzvara-lauks
(yield of wheat 10.5 t/ha), association LPKS Agrario. Farms in Estonia
with the highest yield in the country: Margus Lepp (yield of rape 6.86
t/hà – world record of rape
yield in all history of agriculture!), Piibe Post (yield of
winter wheat 9.4 t/hà), Kalle Kits (the highest profitability among the
farms of the country – 720 euros/ha). In Bulgaria, Deroni – a well-known
vegetable-growing enterprise; in Spain – a large cooperatives for cultivation
of olives and grapevines – Sociedad Cooperativa Nuestra Senora de la Cabeza,
Los Remedios – Piscat, S.C.A., and also SCA VIRGEN DE LA OLIVA. In Czech
Republic – AGROFERT a.s., Zemedelske druzstvo Necin, Zihelsky Statek a.s.,
Zemedelska spolecnost Stranka s.r.o. (Melnik), Rolnicka a.s. and other
farms of the Czech National Association of rapeseed growers’ SPZO,
principal nationwide seed treatment companies OSEVA, Druzina, and LIMAGRAIN (seed
treatment facility for farmers all across the country), might be listed.
Albit also used by
large agricultural holding Linas Agro Group AB (Lithuania – Denmark), RWARaiffeisenAgrod.o.o.
(Austria – Croatia).
A leading agronomist on plant protection Martin Solorzano, who has
been applying Albit on roses for many year, wrote the following: ‘Albit
is a product previously unseen in crop production… It activates the full
potential of varieties and promises to make a revolution in all areas of
agriculture’ (Agroholding
New Ecuadorian Roses, Ecuador).
Average and big-scale farms apply Albit with chemical pesticides for supplying
of guaranteed high effect for plant protection (regardless of climate
conditions of year and field), for increase of yield and its quality. More
small-scale farms, which have limited possibility for purchase of pesticides,
use Albit as a less expensive alternative of chemical fungicides and for
protection against side effect of high-stress cheap herbicides.
Albit has been highly appreciated by experts. Annual Russian Innovations contest
is carried out for the purpose of promotion of innovations in Russia and selection of the
most perspective scientific high-tech developments. Organizers of contest are journal
Expert and Financial Corporation Sistema with support of Department of
Education and Science of Russian Federation. The winners are the best innovation projects
in the field of aerospace technologies, nuclear-power engineering, electronics, biotechnology,
medicine, etc. In 2003, Albit was the only product in the field of agriculture
which reached the final of the competition.
Application. Albit is used for presowing
seed treatment and foliar spraying of plants. In most cases, Albit is not
applied alone, but in course of scheduled treatments with fungicides, herbicides and insecticides.
Presowing seed treatment
sunflower, soybean,
millet, pea
and buckwheat. It is possible
to use combinations of Albit with the minimal
recommended doses of fungicides, or (depending on the infection level)
to replace them partially or completely with Albit. Thus,
the total cost of seed treatment might be reduced by 25–90%. Seed treatment
with Albit provides additionally 3.8 centners/hectare of winter wheat, 3.7
centners/hectare of spring barley, 3.0 centners/hectare of sunflower, 4.7
centners/hectare of soybean, 2.4 centners/hectare of pea. Protection of plants
against root rots and advancing immunization against soil and leaf infections
are also provided.
Joint use of Albit with insecticides
is capable to increase productivity of cereals,
potato, vegetables by 36.1% on average (in case of
(canola up to 93%) in comparison with pure insecticides. Spraying
of wheat with combination of Albit and insectoacarycides against chinch increases gluten content
in grain by 1.2–4.6%.
Addition of Albit to solution of urea or to other liquid nitric fertilizers,
helps to avoid stress (burns) of plants.
Protection of apple and
vine, that makes possible 2-3 fold reduction of chemical
fungicide amounts, and harvesting of ecologically pure organic production through partial
replacement of scheduled chemical fungicide treatments with Albit.
Pre-planting treatment of tubers and foliar spraying of
potato with Albit in alternation with chemical fungicides partially replaces the
chemical treatments.
For the detailed application recommendations of Albit, please refer to the officially registered
Application recommendations.
Preparative form of Albit is liquid paste with pleasant coniferous
smell that easily mixes up with water. The formulation is packaged in 1
litre plastic bottles,
16 bottles in box.
According to results of toxicological expertise, Albit is reckoned among 4th
class of danger (lowest toxicity), whereas majority of pesticides relates
to more dangerous 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of danger. Thus, one important
feature of Albit is its harmlessness
for humans, animals and plants. After using Albit on all cultures,
there is no waiting period - the yield can be harvested immediately after Albit
treatments. Due to its safety Albit is
used in technologies of organic
All calculations concerning cost of application and economic efficacy of Albit
on this website are made based on the domestic Russian retail price of our
product. Actual prices in other countries are dependent on customs/transportation
costs and legal issues and are set by local Distributors.
For updated information about Albit, please see our Internet site (Russian) and (English, might contain incomplete
and/or obsolete information).
For purchasing Albit and consultations, please refer to our official dealers.
The nearest dealer can be found here.